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发布时间:2024-04-28 00:45
本文摘要:HONG KONG — In China, cheap smartphones made by relatively obscure companies aping branded designs are ubiquitous.香港——在中国,比较不著名的公司仿效名牌设计生产的廉价智能手机随处可见。

HONG KONG — In China, cheap smartphones made by relatively obscure companies aping branded designs are ubiquitous.香港——在中国,比较不著名的公司仿效名牌设计生产的廉价智能手机随处可见。Usually it is the major brands that go after the smaller companies for patent infringement. But one of China’s low-cost phone makers recently filed a patent complaint against Apple in the city of Beijing — and for now, it has won.一般来说是大品牌追究责任小公司侵害专利的责任。

但最近,中国一家低价手机生产商在北京对苹果(Apple)驳回专利受理——目前继续获得了胜利。With an appeals process ahead, the ruling is unlikely to have a major impact on Apple. Still, the action spotlights the growing number of cases of municipal patent offices in China backing local companies against larger, international brands.由于接下来将转入诉讼程序,这项判决不太可能给苹果带给大的影响。但这起案件突显出在和更大的国际品牌的对付中,本土公司获得中国地方专利局反对的案例更加多。

According to a statement from the Beijing Intellectual Property Office, Apple infringed on a design patent used in a phone called the 100C, made by the Chinese phone maker Baili. The statement ordered Apple to stop selling certain older versions of the iPhone within Beijing, though an appeal of such a ruling to the courts in China usually forestalls any sales injunctions. 北京市知识产权局公布的一则通告称之为,苹果侵害了中国手机生产商佰利生产的100C手机用于的一项设计专利。通告命令苹果在北京停产iPhone的某些值得注意的型号,不过在中国,这类判决被告上法庭后一般来说不会再行暂停销售禁令。

Apple said it had appealed, and a sales clerk at the Apple Store in the Sanlitun area of Beijing said on Friday evening that the store had received no instructions to stop selling the iPhone models and that “it is business as usual.” At the store, a handful of iPhone 6 models stood mostly unused as shoppers tapped on the newer 6s models at a nearby table.苹果称之为已驳回诉讼。周五傍晚,北京市三里屯苹果店的一名销售人员称之为该店并未接到停产涉及iPhone产品的命令,回应“照常营业”。店内,几部iPhone 6基本上都闲置着,顾客在体验旁边一张桌子上的新款iPhone 6s。

“IPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, as well as iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and iPhone SE models, are all available for sale today in China,” Apple said in a statement. “We appealed an administrative order from a regional patent tribunal in Beijing last month, and as a result the order has been stayed pending review by the Beijing I.P. Court.”“IPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus,以及iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus和iPhone SE今日在华均有售,”苹果在一则声明中称之为。“我们对北京一个地区性专利机构上月公布的行政命令驳回了诉讼,因此该命令还须要拒绝接受北京知识产权法院的审查。”The new headache for Apple comes after increased regulatory pressure and problems in China. Recently, a Chinese company won the right to sell leather goods under the iPhone trademark after years of legal back and forth. And Apple’s movie and book services were shut down in the country shortly after they were introduced, a sign of more serious scrutiny from China’s media regulator. 在这件令人困惑的事情再次发生之前,苹果在中国面对的监管压力和问题正在激化。


The Baili patent case pales in comparison to those troubles, though it underscores the day-to-day annoyances that can come with running a tech business in China.和那些问题比起,佰利专利案微不足道,但它凸显了在中国经营一家科技企业可能会屡屡遇上的困难。The country has had its fair share of cases in which low-level manufacturers take on global brands. In perhaps the most famous, Apple paid $60 million to use the iPad trademark. 在中国,低端生产商挑战国际品牌的案件相当多。

在其中一起也许最为人所知的案件中,苹果为用于iPad商标缴纳了6000万美元。Patent issues like the one Apple has with Baili are common enough that a recent paper in the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment Technology Law examined the topic. While the paper found that China’s patent system was not structured to benefit Chinese companies, it said there had been a number of recent “high-profile patent suits filed by relatively unknown Chinese firms against high-profile foreign tech companies like Apple, Samsung and Dell.” 像苹果和佰利之间的这种专利问题十分广泛。最近公开发表在《范德堡大学娱乐科技法期刊》(Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment Technology Law)上的一篇论文回应展开了研究。

尽管文章指出中国专利制度并非朝向不利于中国公司的方向展开建构,但它回应最近“比较不著名的中国公司对苹果、三星(Samsung)和戴尔(Dell)等知名外国科技公司驳回了大量甚广不受注目的专利诉讼”。Once a local intellectual property office in China finds an issue of infringement, companies can decide whether to appeal the matter. At that point, the issue typically is litigated or resolved via a settlement of some kind.在中国,被地方性的知识产权局确认侵权行为后,公司可要求否受理。


