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发布时间:2024-04-27 00:45
本文摘要:Are you planning to buy a new Samsung smartphone soon? Google Play Music may become your go-to music player.你最近有卖新款三星手机的想吗?

Are you planning to buy a new Samsung smartphone soon? Google Play Music may become your go-to music player.你最近有卖新款三星手机的想吗?谷歌Play音乐可能会沦为你的新音乐播放器。Google has teamed up with Samsung to make Google Play Music the default music player on new Samsung phones and tablets around the world, including the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+.谷歌公司早已与三星公司合力,使谷歌Play音乐沦为三星手机和平板电脑--还包括Galaxy S8和Galaxy S8+系列--的配置文件音乐播放器。Google also teased some special Google Play Music features just for Samsung customers.此外,谷歌方面还回应,谷歌Play音乐的一些“类似”功能只有三星用户才能用于。

For starters, if you have a new Samsung phone or tablet, you can now upload and stream up to 100,000 of your own songs to Google Play Music for free, Google Play Music Lead Product Manager Elias Roman wrote in a blog post. Google lets everyone else add up to 50,000 songs to Play Music for free.谷歌Play音乐的产品经理莱亚斯·罗曼在博客中写到:“对新的用户来说,如果你有一个新款三星手机或平板,你就可以免费上载多达10万首自己的歌曲到谷歌Play音乐。”而其他用户免费播出音乐歌曲的数量减少至5万首。

New Samsung phones and tablets will come with a free three-month trial of Play Music, up from the usual 30-day trial, and access to YouTube Red for commercial-free videos.新款三星手机和平板将有三个月的Play音乐免费试用期,并取得YouTube Red的免除广告服务。After that, youll have to pay $10 a month if you want to listen without ads and download your music for offline access.之后,如果想要跳过广告听音乐或者离线iTunes音乐,你就必须每月缴纳10美元的费用。

Google Play Music will also work with Samsungs new virtual assistant Bixby when it launches later this spring.另外,谷歌音乐还将不会与在今春晚些时候公布的三星新的虚拟世界助手Bixby协同工作。

