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双语科技百科(地理) 第24期 郑伯渠‘九游官网’
发布时间:2024-09-28 00:45
本文摘要:Zheng Bai Qu郑白渠Zheng Bai Qu,a large irrigation project in the ancient Guanzhong Region (today’s Shaanxin Province),was the combined name of Zhengguo Qu and Bai Qu.(Qu means canal.),now bore the name of Jinghui Qu.郑白渠是古代关中地区的大型水利灌溉工程,秦代郑国渠和汉代白渠的齐名,近代陕西省径惠渠的前身。

Zheng Bai Qu郑白渠Zheng Bai Qu,a large irrigation project in the ancient Guanzhong Region (today’s Shaanxin Province),was the combined name of Zhengguo Qu and Bai Qu.(Qu means canal.),now bore the name of Jinghui Qu.郑白渠是古代关中地区的大型水利灌溉工程,秦代郑国渠和汉代白渠的齐名,近代陕西省径惠渠的前身。In 246BC during the Qin Dynasty Warring States Period,Zheng Guo,a hydrau-lic engineer from the Han State,began the construction of Zhengguo Qu for the Qin and finished the project in more than 10 years. The canal }nras 150 kilometers linking the Jingshui River and the Luoshui River. It could irrigate 40000 hec-of farmlands.秦始皇元年(公元前246年)韩国水工郑国主持人修建郑国渠,十几年后竣工。干渠西起径阳,引径水向东,下游进人洛水,全长300余里,灌溉面积4万顷。郑国渠的竣工必要反对了秦国统一六国的战争。

Since then,the two canals were called by a joint name:Zheng Bai Qu. During the Tang Dynasty(618一907),Zheng Bai Qu had three branches:Tai Bai Qu,Zhong Bai Qu and Nan Bai Qu,with an irrigation area of over 10,000 hectares. In the later dynasties,Zheng Bai Qu was revamped several times.西汉太始二年,赵中大夫白公建议新建新的渠,引径水向东,至栋阳(今西安临撞区东北)注于渭水,名为白渠。干渠长200里,灌溉面积4500顷,此后灌区称之为郑白渠。唐代的郑白渠有三条干渠,即太白渠、中白渠和南白渠,灌溉面积多达10000顷,后来几经各个朝代,大大获得修缮和发展。

