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远程数据中心业务扩张 蓬勃发展【九游官网】
发布时间:2024-09-14 00:45
本文摘要:Remote data centres are expanding as more organisations outsource in-house computer systems to networked computer servers for the storing or distribution of large amounts of information.随着更加多机构将内部计算机系统外包、由网络化计算机服务器进行大量信息的存储和发给,远程数据中心业务正在扩展。

Remote data centres are expanding as more organisations outsource in-house computer systems to networked computer servers for the storing or distribution of large amounts of information.随着更加多机构将内部计算机系统外包、由网络化计算机服务器进行大量信息的存储和发给,远程数据中心业务正在扩展。Data centre services range from the actual physical space needed to house an organisation’s private computers and software, to hosting data and applications and cloud computing. 数据中心的服务范围从摆放机构的偷窥计算机和软件所需的实体空间,到管理数据、应用于和云计算。

Big names already operating in the sector include Amazon Web Services, which belongs to the US-based online retailer.早已在该领域开展业务的知名品牌还包括美国在线零售商亚马逊(Amazon)旗下的亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services)。Market watchers say one driver of future growth is likely to be the increasing amounts of data needed to operate driverless cars, which require large quantities of real-time data that will be gathered from and interpreted by sensors inside and outside the vehicle.市场仔细观察人士回应,数据中心未来发展的一个驱动因素有可能是,运营无人驾驶汽车所需的日益激增的数据——无人驾驶汽车必须大量动态数据,这些数据由汽车内外的传感器搜集和解析而来。

Some estimates put the amount of information that will need to be gathered and analysed to operate a driverless car at 1 gigabyte a second, equal to about five hours of streamed television.根据一些量度,运营无人驾驶汽车所须要搜集和分析的信息量为每秒1千兆字节(GB),相等于网络电视大约5个小时的数据传输量。Growth will also be driven by the so-called internet of things. 物联网也将夹住数据中心的发展。According to BroadGroup, a consultancy, the value of the data-service sector in western Europe alone will rise from Euro4.5bn in 2014 to more than Euro8bn in 2019.根据咨询公司BroadGroup的众说纷纭,仅有西欧的数据服务业的价值就将从2014年的45亿欧元快速增长到2019年的逾80亿欧元。

The vast amounts of data being collected have already led to consolidation in the industry. 海量数据的搜集早已造成行业再次发生统合。For example, US-based Equinix acquired UK-based TelecityGroup for £2.6bn in January as part of a bid to increase its European operations.比如,美国的Equinix今年1月耗资26亿英镑并购了英国的TelecityGroup,作为强化其欧洲业务的希望的一部分。

Location is important for both clients and service providers because of the need to comply with different jurisdictions’ data protection regulations. 出于遵从有所不同司法管辖区数据保护法规的必须,数据中心的地点对客户和服务提供商都很最重要。Rules on what information can be stored and for how long can vary from place to place and also because of changes in legislation. 有所不同地方需要存储的信息类型和存储时长有可能不存在差异,法规的改动也有可能造成这种差异。

For example, the EU scrapped its data-sharing agreement with the US last year following the revelations about data gathering by US security agencies in documents leaked by US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.比如,在美国情报机构合同工爱德华斯诺登(Edward Snowden)泄漏的文件揭发美国安保机构的数据搜集活动后,去年欧盟(EU)废止了与美国的数据共享协议。A new agreement, the EU-US Privacy Shield, has been beset with wrangling and has yet to come into force. 新的数据共享协议《欧美隐私盾协议》(EU-US Privacy Shield)目前陷于了争辩之中,目前还未生效。The UK vote to split from the EU is further likely to add to the confusion about where companies can store their data.英国解散欧盟(EU)的公民投票结果,有可能更进一步加剧关于企业可以把数据存储在哪里的疑惑。Amazon Web Services has announced plans to open a UK data centre, its third in the current EU member states, partly as an effort to address sovereignty concerns for European clients.亚马逊网络服务已宣告一项在英国成立数据中心的计划,除了英国以外,该公司还在两个欧盟成员国各成立了一个数据中心,这是其应付欧洲客户对主权的忧虑的部分希望。

Despite the growth in outsourcing data centre services, executives seeking to hire external providers need to be aware of attendant risks.尽管外包数据中心服务正在快速增长,谋求雇用外部供应商的企业高管必须注意随之而来的风险。Alex Rabbetts, chief executive of MigSolv, a UK-based data centre, says it can be hard for would-be customers to gauge how effective data service providers may be because certification standards are often meaningless and confusing to non-specialists. 坐落于英国的数据中心MigSolv的首席执行官亚历克斯纳贝茨(Alex Rabbetts)回应,潜在客户很难取决于数据服务提供商的有可能服务效率,因为资质标准在非专业人士显然一般来说毫无意义又无法解读。One standard is energy consumption, which is used to measure centres’ effectiveness.一个资质标准是能耗,用来取决于数据中心的效率。A data centre may claim a certain power effectiveness rating but this may not include the whole facility. 一个数据中心有可能声称超过了某种能效级别,但有可能不是整个设施都超过了这个级别。

So it is hopeless as a comparison tool and confusing, Mr Rabbetts says.因此,这作为一种较为工具毫无意义,也令人费解,纳贝茨说道。Another problem is poor customer service. 另一个问题是差劲的客户服务。A 2015 survey of more than 30,000 data centre users by MigSolv found the industry produced low levels of customer satisfaction.2015年MigSolv对逾3万名数据中心用户展开的一项调查指出,该行业的用户满意度水平较低。

Stuart Barnett, chief technology officer of Wi-Q, an online restaurant ordering service, has tried several big providers and says that technical problems are often handled by email. 在线餐厅订餐服务Wi-Q的首席技术官斯图尔特巴尼特(Stuart Barnett)尝试过几家大型数据服务提供商,他回应技术问题一般来说依赖电子邮件处置。This does not matter if you are just using a data centre for storage, Mr Barnett says. 如果你只利用数据中心展开数据存储,这不是什么问题,巴尼特说道。But we’re running a service and our clients — bars and restaurants — need to know that their customers’ orders have been received. 但我们在运营一项服务,我们的客户——酒吧和餐厅——必须告诉他们客户的订单早已接到了。Being able to interrogate data fast is core to our business.需要较慢查找数据是我们的业务的核心拒绝。

Reliability is also important. 可靠性某种程度最重要。The average cost of a data centre outage has risen from $506,000 in 2010 to $740,000 now, according to some estimates.据一些量度,数据中心服务中断的平均值成本早已从2010年的50.6万美元下降到现在的74万美元。Costs can also be an issue. 成本也有可能沦为问题。

Some older data centres have been accused of imposing unreasonable fees for routine services and long contracts.一些值得注意的数据中心被指对常规服务和长年合约缴纳不合理的高昂费用。However, increased competition is also leading to more flexible purchasing and pay-monthly options that can reduce fees. 然而,竞争的日趋激烈也促成了一些更加灵活性的出售方案和月缴方案,这些方案需要增加费用。Steve Wallage, managing director of BroadGroup Consulting, says: A number of smaller providers is starting to appear with a ‘we try harder’ approach and a customer relationship and support mentality.咨询公司BroadGroup的董事总经理史蒂夫沃利奇(Steve Wallage)回应:市场上开始经常出现一些投出‘我们更加希望’旗号、有客户关系和客户反对意识的中小型数据服务提供商。

