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发布时间:2024-08-29 00:45
本文摘要:LONDON — The ride-hailing startup company Uber won a major victory in Germany on Tuesday after a local court overturned a nationwide ban that had barred the company from operating its popular car-sharing service.伦敦——叫车软件初创公司Uber周二在德国夺得一场关键胜利,此前一项全德范围内停止使用该公司热门的拼车服务的禁令,被一家地方法院夺权。

LONDON — The ride-hailing startup company Uber won a major victory in Germany on Tuesday after a local court overturned a nationwide ban that had barred the company from operating its popular car-sharing service.伦敦——叫车软件初创公司Uber周二在德国夺得一场关键胜利,此前一项全德范围内停止使用该公司热门的拼车服务的禁令,被一家地方法院夺权。The courts decision follows vocal opposition to Uber from taxi associations across Europe, which accuse the company of breaking local laws.此次裁决实施前,出租车协会对Uber的抗议早已遍及全欧,他们谴责该公司违背了地方法律。Yet in its ruling Tuesday, the court in Frankfurt, Germany, announced that Uber, which is based in San Francisco, could continue to operate in Germany.而周二德国法兰克福的这家法院则裁决,Uber,这家总部坐落于旧金山的美国公司,可以之后在德国经营。

The judges were sympathetic to the arguments of Taxi Deutschland, a trade body that had brought the initial case against Uber, claiming that the service competed unfairly with local taxis, said Arne Hasse, a spokesman for the Frankfurt court.法官们对德国出租车协会(Taxi Deutschland)的观点回应了同情,正是该贸易组织年所对Uber明确提出起诉,称该公司的服务是在与当地出租车司机展开不公平竞争,法兰克福法院的发言人阿尼·哈斯(Arne Hasse)说道。But he said that while the association was right in bringing the case and requesting the injunction, the group had waited too long to file the case, and therefore the injunction had to be lifted.但哈斯说道,尽管出租车协会明确提出起诉并拒绝禁令是准确的,但该的组织等了太久才月提出诉讼,因此禁令被迫被中止。Taxi Deutschland said that it still believed that Uber was acting unlawfully and that it would appeal the decision in the coming month.德国出租车协会称之为,它仍坚信Uber的不道德是非法的,并将在下个月对该裁决明确提出裁决。

“Uber stands for a particularly extreme form of wage dumping, which refuses to allow for any minimum wage,” Dieter Schlenker, Taxi Deutschlands chairman, said in a statement. “We hope that politicians will steer the taxi clearly into the future and wont let the USA firms put any ideas in their heads.”“Uber代表的是十分极端的一种工资低价,以此拒绝接受任何最低工资标准,”德国出租车协会主席迪特尔·施伦克(Dieter Schlenker)在一份声明中说道。“我们期望政界人士能将出租车行业推向未来,而不是让美国公司们往他们脑子里灌输各种点子。”The dispute concerns Ubers low-cost UberPop product, which connects drivers with customers through a smartphone application. The initial ruling, on Sept. 2, said that the service competed unfairly with local taxis, and that Uber did not provide the necessary licenses and insurance for its drivers.这次争端环绕的是Uber的低端产品UberPop,该产品将司机与乘客通过智能手机软件相连接。9月2日的一审裁决称该服务与当地出租车司机展开了不公平竞争,而且Uber也没为司机获取必需的牌照和保险。

Uber faced fines in Germany of up to 250,000 euros (about $330,000) or a jail term of up to six month for a local employee if it violated the temporary injunction. Uber drivers, who are not employees, did not face direct penalties.Uber如果违背这个临时禁令,将在德国面对25万欧元的罚款,公司在当地的一名雇员有可能面对最多六个月的监禁。用于Uber软件的司机不是雇员,会受到必要惩处。The company previously said that it would continue to operate in Germany despite the legal uncertainty.Uber公司曾回应,尽管面对法律上的不确定性,但公司还将之后在德国运营。“This is an industry that doesnt want to see competition,” Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty, Ubers regional general manager for northern Europe, said in an interview before the court decision was announced Tuesday. “Incumbents will try to find any legal way to stop companies like Uber from competing.”周二法庭作出判决之前,Uber在欧洲北部的地区总经理皮埃尔-迪米特利·戈尔-科蒂拒绝接受专访说道:“这个行业不愿看见竞争,早已占有市场的人会找寻任何法律途径制止Uber这样的公司参予竞争。

