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发布时间:2024-08-22 00:45
本文摘要:Elon Musk, chief executive of Tesla Motors, brushed aside criticisms of corporate over-reach and conflicts of interest yesterday on Monday as he unveiled an agreement to pay $2.6bn in stock for SolarCity, the solar power company where he is also chairman.特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)首席执行官埃伦马斯克(Elon Musk)周一没理会有关企业抱住过长和利益冲突的抨击,他发布了一项协议,将用价值26亿美元的股票并购由他兼任董事长的太阳能发电公司SolarCity。

Elon Musk, chief executive of Tesla Motors, brushed aside criticisms of corporate over-reach and conflicts of interest yesterday on Monday as he unveiled an agreement to pay $2.6bn in stock for SolarCity, the solar power company where he is also chairman.特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)首席执行官埃伦马斯克(Elon Musk)周一没理会有关企业抱住过长和利益冲突的抨击,他发布了一项协议,将用价值26亿美元的股票并购由他兼任董事长的太阳能发电公司SolarCity。The electric car and space entrepreneur drew criticism when he first publicly proposed a deal in June, including from Wall Street analysts who have usually been among the biggest boosters of his hugely ambitious ventures.今年6月,这位电动汽车和航天企业家首次公开发表建议这笔交易,引起外界抨击,还包括一般来说对他雄心勃勃的计划尤为反对的华尔街分析师们。The attempt to create what Mr Musk described as the first vertically-integrated sustainable energy conglomerate has drawn widespread scepticism. Analysts continued to question yesterday wether the deal would distract Tesla at one of the most important moments in its history, as it tries to overcome a spate of production problems and massively increase its car production.创立马斯克所称的首家横向统合的可持续能源综合企业的尝试,招来了普遍抨击。

分析人士昨日之后批评这笔交易否将在特斯拉史上最重要的时刻之一集中其注意力,该公司于是以希望解决问题一系列生产问题,以便大规模减少汽车产量。Given Mr Musk’s personal stake of around 20 per cent in both companies, the offer also raised questions about whether he was using Tesla to bail out the struggling power company. whose shares had fallen by nearly two-thirds from a year ago. However, the hit that Mr Musk’s Tesla stock suffered when he suggested the deal has more than cancelled out his potential gain from selling SolarCity.鉴于马斯克个人在这两家公司的股权在20%左右,拆分建议还让人猜测他否在利用特斯拉为这家步履维艰的太阳能发电公司纾受困。SolarCity股价较一年前暴跌将近三分之二。

然而,在马斯克明确提出这笔交易后特斯拉股价遭遇的重创,好比抵销了他从出售SolarCity中有可能取得的益处。Addressing accusations of personal conflicts, Mr Musk described media critics as “silly buggers, honestly”. Keeping the two companies separate as they tried to integrate their solar power and electric storage products would create more conflicts of interest than merging them, he said.马斯克对此了关于个人利益冲突的谴责,他将媒体评论人士称作“蠢货,坦率地说道”。他说道,在这两家公司希望统合太阳能发电和电力存储产品之际,让它们独立国家运营将比拆分它们产生更好的利益冲突。

But investors remained underwhelmed by the idea, with Tesla shares dropping 2 per cent when trading opened on Monday. SolarCity’s shares also fell, losing 6.25 per cent after it agreed to an exchange ratio of 0.11 of a Tesla share for each share in the solar company, below the ratio of 0.122-0.131 that Mr Musk had first suggested in June.但投资者仍然对这一点子不以为然,特斯拉股票在周一散户交易时暴跌2%。SolarCity股价也经常出现了暴跌,在表示同意以本公司每股移位0.11股特斯拉股票之后暴跌6.25%——这一移位比率高于马斯克最初在6月建议的0.122-0.131倍的比率。The deal also needs the approval of a majority of shareholders on both sides, with Mr Musk agreeing not to vote his shares.该交易还须要取得两家公司多数股东的批准后,马斯克表示同意会用自己的股份展开投票。

