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推特即将改版 给用户更多空间发推文!:九游官网
发布时间:2024-08-20 00:45
本文摘要:The rumors are true. Twitter is changing the rules to allow users to fit more into each tweet, while still keeping the 140-character limit.传闻成真为。

The rumors are true. Twitter is changing the rules to allow users to fit more into each tweet, while still keeping the 140-character limit.传闻成真为。Twitter正在转变规则,容许用户在每条推特里加到更加多东西,但仍保有140字的容许。According to a post on the official Twitter blog, the changes include the ability to attach media and links without counting toward the character limit.根据Twitter官方博客的一则消息指出,本次的转变还包括可以放入媒体附件、链接不算入字数容许内。

Also, @names will no longer count toward the limit, meaning one can reach more people with one tweet.某种程度的,艾特名字的字数将会计算出来进总的字数容许,这就意味著以后放一个推文可以叫上更加多的小伙伴。This will make having conversations on Twitter easier and more straightforward, no more penny-pinching your words to ensure they reach the whole group, according to the blog post.该博文还认为:“这样使得在推特上交流更加更容易和必要,不必再行碰字数以保证押韵不多达字数容许。

”Also, users will no longer have to use the convention . @ to make a reply visible to all a users followers.此外,使用者@ 别人时仍然是所有人都可见了。Users will also be allowed to retweet themselves so you can easily Retweet or Quote Tweet yourself when you want to share a new reflection or feel like a really good one went unnoticed, according to Twitter.Twitter方面回应,推特用户也可以发送自己的推文,“当你想要共享一个新的感觉或者感觉自己的一个好的推文被忽视时,你可以更容易地发送或者提到自己的推文。

”In addition to the changes outlined above, we have plans to help you get even more from your Tweets, read the blog post. Were exploring ways to make existing uses easier and enable new ones, all without compromising the unique brevity and speed that make Twitter the best place for live commentary, connections, and conversations.这篇博文里还提及:“除了上述转变之外,我们也将竭力协助您从您的推特上提供更加多功能。我们正在探究既能使现有功能更加易懂、又能转录新功能的方法,这会以减少简洁性和速度为代价,因为这正是使Twitter沦为在线评论、恋情和交流最差平台的基本拒绝。”Twitter said the changes will be rolled out in the coming months.Twitter方面回应,这些转变将不会在接下来的几个月构建。

