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马云拟入股财新 扩大媒体版图|九游官网
发布时间:2024-08-06 00:45
本文摘要:Jack Ma, the billionaire founder of Chinese ecommerce group Alibaba, is poised to expand his media holdings as his online finance company eyes a stake in Caixin, the business magazine. 中国电子商务集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的亿万富翁创始人马云(Jack Ma)于是以打算不断扩大他的媒体版图,他旗下的在线金融公司于是以考虑到大股东财经杂志——财新传媒。

Jack Ma, the billionaire founder of Chinese ecommerce group Alibaba, is poised to expand his media holdings as his online finance company eyes a stake in Caixin, the business magazine. 中国电子商务集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的亿万富翁创始人马云(Jack Ma)于是以打算不断扩大他的媒体版图,他旗下的在线金融公司于是以考虑到大股东财经杂志——财新传媒。Two people close to Caixin said discussions were under way for Ant Financial, the payments, banking and asset management affiliate of US-listed Alibaba, to buy an undisclosed holding. 据两名相似财新的人士透漏,蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)——在美国上市的阿里巴巴的缴纳、银行业务和资产管理附属公司——正在谈判大股东事宜,明确股份比例不可考。If successful it would be the second recent media investment by Mr Ma’s companies, following Alibaba’s December purchase of South China Morning Post for $266m. 如果顺利的话,这将是马云旗下的公司近期第二笔媒体投资,此前阿里巴巴在去年12月耗资2.66亿美元并购了《南华早报》(SCMP)。

Caixin said yesterday it was poised to complete talks with a group of unnamed investors. The stake sale would not interfere with its independence, it added. 财新传媒昨日回应,将要与一群名称不可考的投资者已完成谈判。它补足说道,出售股权会影响它的独立性。

“The new stakeholders will respect Caixin’s editorial independence, as our past stakeholders have done, and accept our internal firewall and compliance management arrangements, which will safeguard our credibility.” “新的投资者与原先股东一样,认同财新传媒不不受股东商业利益左右的编辑独立国家原则,也接纳内部防火墙、合规管理等制度决定,以确保财新传媒的公信力。” Caixin said a funding round in 2012 — when Tencent, a rival of Alibaba’s, and China Media Capital, a Shanghai-based fund, took stakes — had not affected its commitment to objectivity. 财新传媒认为,2012年展开的一轮融资——当时阿里巴巴的竞争对手腾讯(Tencent)和总部坐落于上海的华人文化产业投资基金(China Media Capital)买下股份——并没影响其对客观性的允诺。According to a person close to the talks, Alibaba has been given a seat on Caixin’s board. Ant Financial declined to comment. 相似谈判的一名人士透漏,阿里巴巴已取得财新传媒董事会的一个席位。蚂蚁金服不予置评。

The investment is likely to be scrutinised for any hint that Mr Ma, who has majority control of Ant Financial, is trying to buy influence or offer political favours for the Chinese government. 这笔投资很可能会受到紧密注目,看是不是任何迹象指出:享有蚂蚁金服多数控制权的马云,正试图为中国政府出售影响力或者在政治上出力。In last year’s purchase of South China Morning Post, Alibaba was accused of seeking to interfere editorially after Joe Tsai, its executive vice-chairman, said the newspaper could be an alternative to western coverage of China, which he described as negative and biased. 在去年并购《南华早报》时,阿里巴巴被指企图干预编导独立国家,原因是其继续执行副主席蔡崇信(Joe Tsai)回应,该报有可能沦为他称之为的西方媒体对中国负面和种族主义报导的替代品。Caixin’s fierce independence is attributed to Hu Shuli, its chief editor and one of China’s most respected journalists, who founded the magazine in 1998. In 2011 she had an online argument with Mr Ma after he was accused of breaching corporate governance rules. 财新传媒对独立性的极力确保得益于其总编辑胡舒立,她是中国最受尊敬的新闻工作者之一,在1998年创立《财经》杂志。2011年,她曾在网上与马云进行争辩,此前马云被指违背公司管理规则。

Alibaba and its affiliates have moved aggressively into the media sector. Alibaba is also an investor in Watching, a news website launched last March, and Seec Media . It co-owns iTianxia Web-Commerce, a trade publication focused on online retail. 阿里巴巴及其附属公司近来乘机进占媒体行业。阿里巴巴还是去年3月通车的新闻网站“无界新闻”(Watching)、以及财讯传媒(Seec Media)的投资者。该集团还部分享有探讨网上零售的行业刊物《iTianxia WebCommerce》。

Ant Financial is being prepared for an initial public offering in China, though the company refuses to say when. 蚂蚁金服于是以打算在中国展开首次公开发行(IPO),但该公司拒绝接受透漏明确日程。

