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九游官网_阿里巴巴将推出视频网站 看齐Netflix与HBO
发布时间:2024-08-01 00:45
本文摘要:Alibaba will launch an online video阿里巴巴将发售视频网站Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA.N) will launch an online video streaming service in China in about two months, hoping to emulate the U.S.’s Netflix Inc (NFLX.O) and HBO, the firm’s head of digital entertainment said on Sunday.阿里巴巴数字娱乐事业群总负责人刘春宁于周日称之为,阿里巴巴在线视频流媒体服务将在两个月内上线。

Alibaba will launch an online video阿里巴巴将发售视频网站Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA.N) will launch an online video streaming service in China in about two months, hoping to emulate the U.S.’s Netflix Inc (NFLX.O) and HBO, the firm’s head of digital entertainment said on Sunday.阿里巴巴数字娱乐事业群总负责人刘春宁于周日称之为,阿里巴巴在线视频流媒体服务将在两个月内上线。期望可以与美国的Netflix和HBO相若。

The service will be called ’TBO’, or Tmall Box Office, with content bought from China and other countries, as well as in-house productions, Alibaba’s Patrick Liu told reporters in Shanghai.该项目负责人刘春宁向记者透漏称之为,这项服务定名为“TBO”,即Tmall Box Office,向用户获取来自国内外的视频内容以及公司自行制作的媒体影片。TBO will launch into a competitive online video market in China, where companies are spending billions of dollars to buy media content to attract enough viewers to become dominant.中国的网络视频服务市场竞争白热化,阿里巴巴的战略就是出有巨资出售大家都注目的视频媒体内容,以取得大量的浏览量。

Alibaba’s new service will go up against the likes of Tencent Holdings Ltd (0700.HK), Baidu Inc’s (BIDU.O) iQiyi, Sohu.com Inc (SOHU.O) and Leshi Internet Information Technology Corp Beijing (LeTV) (300104.SZ).目前在这一领域阿里巴巴面对的主要输掉有腾讯视频、百度爱人奇艺、搜狐视频以及乐视等。Our mission, the mission of all of Alibaba, is to redefine home entertainment, said Liu. Our goal is to become like HBO in the United States, to become like Netflix in the United States.刘还称之为:“我们的目标就是要新的定义家庭媒体娱乐,向美国的Netflix和HBO相若。

”It was not immediately clear how the service would fit with Youku Tudou Inc (YOKU.N), one of China’s biggest video streaming platforms in which Alibaba bought a 16.5 percent stake last year.但是既然阿里巴巴要在视频流媒体领域有所作为,其于去年一口气购置中国仅次于视频流平台“优酷土豆”16.5%股份的不道德就有些令人百思不得其解了。However, unlike the majority of domestic rivals, about 90 percent of TBO’s content will be paid for, either by monthly subscription or on a show-by-show basis, Liu said. The remaining 10 percent would be free.但是和国内其他大多数竞争对手有所不同的是,TBO有将近90%的视频内容是必须收费观赏的,要么包月要么单集出售,只剩的10%才是免费观赏的。Netflix itself is also considering an entry into China, a notoriously difficult task for foreign Internet companies.Netflix也曾想转入中国市场,但是这对于一个外国互联网公司是一项很大的挑战。

