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九游官网_不能当首批车主 中国车主于鑫泉怒砸特斯拉
发布时间:2024-07-24 00:45
本文摘要:Minutes after taking delivery of a white Tesla Model S on Friday in Beijing, Yu Xinquan took a wrench and smashed the front windshield of the one million yuan (about $173,600) vehicle.于鑫泉拿着一把扳手,把几分钟前刚交付给的一辆白色特斯拉Model S的前挡风玻璃打碎。

Minutes after taking delivery of a white Tesla Model S on Friday in Beijing, Yu Xinquan took a wrench and smashed the front windshield of the one million yuan (about $173,600) vehicle.于鑫泉拿着一把扳手,把几分钟前刚交付给的一辆白色特斯拉Model S的前挡风玻璃打碎。这一幕再次发生在周五,被扔车辆价值人民币100万元(约合173,600美元)。Its a protest against the company, said Mr. Yu, an e-commerce entrepreneur from the northern Chinese region of Inner Mongolia, in an interview. Teslas arrogance made me angry.于鑫泉来自中国内蒙古,是经营电子商务的企业家。

他在拒绝接受媒体专访时说,这是对特斯拉的抗议,特斯拉的刻薄让他生气。Tesla in China didnt immediately respond to a request for comment Friday afternoon.特斯拉(Tesla)中国公司周五下午没立刻对此记者的置评催促。The incident, a video of which began to make the rounds of Chinese social media on Friday, represents Mr. Yus latest broadcast against the U.S. electric car maker, which this year entered the China market.于鑫泉怒扔特斯拉的视频周五在中国社交媒体上热传,这是他又一次通过媒体传达对今年转入中国市场的这家美国电动车生产商的反感。

Mr. Yu led other disgruntled Tesla customers in China to protest delayed deliveries of their cars on April 21, a day before the electric-vehicle maker was set to make its first China delivery.今年4月21日,也就是特斯拉预计向第一批中国区客户交付给Model S的前一天,于鑫泉率领其他对延期交付给深感反感的中国客户向特斯拉提出抗议。They later met with Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk, who apologized and pledged to start building the delayed cars. I think weve resolved that, Mr. Musk told reporters on April 22.他们后来看到了特斯拉首席执行长埃龙马斯克(Elon Musk),马斯克向他们表示歉意,并允诺开始生产被延期交付给的汽车。马斯克4月22日对记者说道,坚信问题早已解决问题。

While that seemed to silence other customers, Mr. Yu remains unappeased. He said that in early April Tesla promised him delivery within six weeks, a complimentary limited-edition plate carrying Teslas logo and free installation of charging equipment at his home. The company hasnt delivered, he said.获得CEO的允诺后,别的车主或许沉寂了下来,但于鑫泉怒气无以消。他说道,特斯拉在4月初向他允诺六周内交车,还附带赠送给具有特斯拉车标的特别版铭牌,并免费在他家加装充电桩。他说道,特斯拉没还清允诺。

Mr. Yu said he ordered a Tesla S in October and made a down payment of 250,000 yuan. But his hope of becoming one of Teslas first drivers in China was dashed in April when he discovered his vehicle had yet to be manufactured in the U.S. even as Tesla commenced delivering cars to customers in China.于鑫泉说道,他去年10月份采购了一辆特斯拉S,递了人民币25万元定金。他本想要沦为首批在华提车的车主,结果到4月份特斯拉第一批新车交付给时他找到,首批提车的车主中没他,他采购的汽车还并未在美国生产。Tesla told him that it wouldnt ship to customers outside Beijing and Shanghai on the basis of first come, first served because of a lack of service centers and charging considerations, said Mr. Yu. Nobody from Tesla told me that when I made the order, he said.于鑫泉说道,特斯拉给他的说明是,因为服务中心和电池设施严重不足,公司并没根据“再行到再行得”的原则向北京和上海以外地区的车主交车。

他说道,买车的时候特斯拉没警告他这点。Last week, Mr. Yu said, he was told by Tesla that his Model S was seized by Chinese customs because the record number on the customs declaration statement didnt match the cars vehicle identify number, and that delivery would be further delayed.于鑫泉说道,特斯拉上周通报他,因为他预计的S型汽车在清关时找到关口单号和车架号相符,车被扣在中国海关,交车时间将更进一步延后。

Tesla suggested Mr. Yu take delivery of one of its showroom display cars or he wait for another month to get a new car from the U.S. Mr. Yu said neither of the Tesla proposals satisfied him and driving a display car is just not the same.特斯拉建议于鑫泉提走一台展车,否则就要再行等一个月才能提及从美国运来的新车。但于鑫泉说道,这两个方案都无法令其他失望,展车无法替换新车。

I feel like I just married a woman who has been married before, he said.他说道,进二手车就和二婚一样。Reaction on Chinas social media was mixed, with some stressing the importance of customer service and others questioning Mr. Yus conduct.这一事件在中国社交媒体上引起有所不同反应。


