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应对风暴的斯沃琪 Lex_Swatch: moment of reckoning-九游官网
发布时间:2024-05-16 00:45
本文摘要:The back of an iPhone proclaims that it is “designed in California, made in China”. That will not do for Swatch. The words “Made in Switzerland” are crucial to the appeal of timepieces, from 4,500 Omegas to 40 Swatches — leaving the company committed to manufacturing in one of the world’s most expensive countries.iPhone背面的文字声称它是“加州设计,中国装配”。

The back of an iPhone proclaims that it is “designed in California, made in China”. That will not do for Swatch. The words “Made in Switzerland” are crucial to the appeal of timepieces, from 4,500 Omegas to 40 Swatches — leaving the company committed to manufacturing in one of the world’s most expensive countries.iPhone背面的文字声称它是“加州设计,中国装配”。对斯沃琪(Swatch)来说,这样可权宜之计。“瑞士生产”的字眼是手表吸引力的重中之重,从4500欧元一块的欧米茄(Omega)手表到40欧元一块的斯沃琪手表都是如此,这让斯沃琪坚决在世界上成本最低的国家之一生产手表。

Switzerland became even more expensive in January, when the Swiss National Bank gave up trying to contain the appreciation of the franc. Shares in Swatch have clawed back about half of the 20 per cent drop that followed that decision, helped by half-year results yesterday that beat forecasts. At about 16 times forecast 2016 earnings, the valuation is reasonable compared with past levels and peers such as Richemont, on 19.今年1月,瑞士央行(Swiss National Bank)退出了遏止瑞士法郎贬值的希望,这使瑞士的生产成本显得更加高昂。在瑞士央行作出这一要求后,斯沃琪的股价暴跌了20%,不过斯沃琪昨日公布的上半年业绩数据远超过预测,协助其股价攻占了约一半的失地。按照2016年的预期盈利计算出来,斯沃琪的市盈率为16倍,比起其过去的估值和历峰集团(Richemont,预期市盈率为19倍)等同行业公司的估值,斯沃琪现在的估值更为合理。

Currency movements knocked SFr56m off sales and pushed operating margins down to 18 per cent, but sales did at least grow, even in franc terms.汇率变动使斯沃琪的销售额增加了5600万瑞郎,导致其营运利润率降到18%,但即使按瑞郎计算出来,斯沃琪的销售额还是快速增长了。China is another headwind; it accounts for a third of sales. A clampdown on gifting had already affected the company’s high-end brands. Recent turmoil in China’s financial markets might yet curb consumer appetite for mid-market watches, or the ability of Chinese to exploit regional price differentials for luxury goods by holidaying in Europe.中国是另一个不利因素;该市场占到斯沃琪销售额的三分之一。

中国政府对过节的压制早已对斯沃琪旗下的高端品牌导致影响。最近中国金融市场的动荡不安有可能还不会诱导消费者对中档手表的兴趣,或者减少中国人到欧洲渡假时利用地区差价出售奢侈品的能力。Swatch is responding sensibly. Although committed to increasing market share, it still managed to raise prices in Europe and has held them in China. It is introducing new products, expanding its retail network and sounded notably optimistic about the second half. Despite its expansion plans, inventories rose only modestly in the first half, suggesting the company is not struggling to sell merchandise.斯沃琪作出了合理的对此。


尽管有扩展计划,但今年上半年斯沃琪的库存仅有小幅减少,解释该公司的销售情况不俗。Investors are putting a lot of trust in the Hayek family, which holds key roles and keeps control via a two-tier share structure. Disclosure is patchy. But having weathered one storm at home, they appear well placed to deal with another overseas.投资者对哈耶克(Hayek)家族抱有相当大信任,该家族通过双层股权结构掌控斯沃琪公司,并在经营中扮演着关键角色。斯沃琪的信息透露情况参差不齐。


