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发布时间:2024-05-13 00:45
本文摘要:Samsung Electronics has confounded analysts’ fears by reporting a 5 per cent rise in quarterly profits — as strong component sales offset a costly recall of its flagship Galaxy Note 7 phone.三星电子(Samsung Electronics)报告季度利润下降5%,没应验分析师们的担忧。

Samsung Electronics has confounded analysts’ fears by reporting a 5 per cent rise in quarterly profits — as strong component sales offset a costly recall of its flagship Galaxy Note 7 phone.三星电子(Samsung Electronics)报告季度利润下降5%,没应验分析师们的担忧。强大的零部件销售抵销了解任旗舰手机Galaxy Note 7的高昂代价。

In recent weeks, the South Korean technology group has struggled to contain the fallout from the industry’s biggest handset recall, after some of the batteries in its cutting-edge smartphone caught fire, necessitating the replacement of 2.5m units.最近几周,这家韩国高科技集团仍然在极力遏止业内最大规模手机解任的冲击波。在此之前,该集团最新款智能手机有一部分电池发生爆炸,造成250万部手机必需替换。On Wednesday, concerns rose as a replacement model of the Note 7 phone, supposedly with a battery fix, began to emit smoke on board an aircraft in the US — suggesting Samsung may not yet have found a solution to the problems.周三,人们的忧虑越发反感,原因是一部理所当然修缮了电池的Note 7替换手机在美国一架飞机上起火——或许指出三星或许还未找到这一问题的解决方案。News of the battery fires — and subsequent safety warnings from regulators and aviation authorities — came as the world’s largest mobile phone maker was staging a comeback, with brisk sales of premium smartphones in the first half after two years of falling market share.在爆出电池发生爆炸新闻以及监管机构及航空主管部门随后收到安全性警告之际,全球仅次于移动电话制造商正在卷土重来。

在经历两年的市场份额下降之后,上半年三星高端智能手机销售强大。Analysts all cut their estimates for Samsung’s third-quarter earnings following the recall announcement in early September. But yesterday Samsung said its preliminary operating profit for July-September was Won7.8tn ($7bn) — a 5.6 per cent increase on the same period a year ago, despite a projected 5.2 per cent drop in sales.在9月初三星发布解任要求之后,分析师们都减少了对三星第三季度盈利的估算。

然而,昨天三星回应,尽管销售额预计不会下降5.2%,但该公司7月至9月运营利润可行性数据为7.8万亿韩元(合70亿美元)——同比快速增长5.6%。“Strong earnings from the semiconductor and display businesses helped offset the Note 7 recall woes,” said Kim Young-woo, an analyst at SK Securities. “Overall, the company’s growth momentum remains intact, despite the recall problem.”SK证券(SK Securities)分析师金永佑(Kim Young-woo)回应:“半导体及显示器业务部门的强大盈利,协助抵销了Note 7解任的困境。总体来说,尽管经常出现了解任问题,但该公司增长势头依然并未不受影响。

”Samsung’s profit guidance did not reveal the cost of the Galaxy 7 recall, as the company does not provide detailed earnings figures for each business division. However, analysts estimate that the recall will cost the company about $1bn and said a substantial part of this cost was written off in the third quarter. Samsung will reveal detailed results in late October.由于三星未获取各业务部门的明确盈利数据,其利润提示没能说明了Galaxy 7解任的成本。不过,分析师估算这次解任将为该公司带给大约10亿美元损失,并回应该损失有相当大一部分已在第三季度被减记。三星将在10月下旬发布财报细节。

Analysts estimate that quarterly operating profit for the mobile division was about Won2.3tn, compared with Won4.3tn in the previous quarter.分析师们估算,移动部门季度运营利润为约2.3万亿韩元,而前一季度超过4.3万亿韩元。Samsung shares rose 0.65 per cent to a record high of Won1,702,000 yesterday.昨天,三星股价下跌0.65%,超过每股170.2万韩元的创纪录高点。

